Therapy for Depression

Depression therapy San Diego, Depression Therapy seattle, Depression therapy California

The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality

-Andrew Solomon

Does this sound like you?

Feeling sad and blue most days of the week? Feeling like all the joy and happiness has left you? Thinking as if life is overbearing, overwhelming, and not worth living? In explicably uninterested in things or activities that once brought you joy? Does it feel like you’d never be happy again?

You may be experiencing the symptoms of depression. You are not alone. Based on the National Institute of Mental Health, 21 million adults in America experienced depression in 2020. That is about 10% of the total US population.

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression and want to find better ways to cope, therapy can help. If you have questions about depression treatment, please contact us. We offer convenient therapy from the comfort of wherever you are in California or Washington.