Adult ADHD

Does this sound like you?

Difficulty focusing? Can’t remember what you just did or why you’re doing what you’re doing? Difficulty controlling impulses? Do you feel like you’re too emotional? Talking over others? Difficulty organizing or meeting deadlines? Are you sensitive to rejection or a people pleaser? Do you have a hard time saying no or overcommitting to too many things? Do you fear, worry, or obsess over very specific things? Do you have interests that seem to take over for weeks or months at a time?

If most of this sounds like you, you may have ADHD. While typically diagnosed in childhood, later diagnosis in adulthood is becoming more and more common as our understanding of ADHD has evolved. ADHD as defined in the DSM 5 TR is based around the inconvenience ADHDers place on neurotypicals. Our expert clinicians understand the nuances of ADHD and the unique challenges ADHDers face.

Our process begins with accurate diagnosis through a thorough history gathering process combined with ADHD symptom measures and evaluations. Once a diagnosis is made, our clinicians take time to individualize treatment to your specific experience of ADHD. We’ll help you find ways to meet life’s challenges and find ways to thrive with ADHD.